ALIN System

ALIN System

ALIN International strives to promote the subcritical water process technology developed by Dr. Toshikatsu SUZUKI, a scientist and the President of PCS Co., Ltd. Dr. Suzuki is the holder of the ALIN-related patent and PCS is the manufacturer of the ALIN plant. Our organization shall promote the distribution of the subcritical water waste recycling plant to increase the production of  agricultural organic fertilizer and renewable energy for the global market.

ALIN 3 Plant

"ALIN 3", manufactured byPCS Co., Ltd, has 1.8 ton/per cycle processing capacity. Each cycle requires one hour loading/unloading and one hour of plant cycle.

What is Subcritical Water?

Subcritical Water explained.

ALIN Plant Flow Diagram

ALIN plant takes in the waste, process it to produce organic residue which can produce electricity through biogas plant. This plant diagrammatic plan explains the flow.

ALIN-related Patents

Patents, owned by Toshikatsu Suzuki and Osamu Okada, are applied to construct the ALIN plant system.

ALIN System Application

By installing ALIN plant in the dairy, chicken and other animal farms, the system mitigates odor from the animal waste, increase production and produce an additional income through the sale of electricity generated by biogas plant.

ALIN Process

ALIN Process is explained in this general diagram.